MediaFutures selected seven projects from the 'Startups for Citizens' and 'Startup meets Artist' tracks to join the five ‘Artists for Media’ projects to continue on the MediaFutures programme, unlocking further funding and support.

At the start of April, we shared the 19 projects that joined MediaFutures. The MediaFutures programme has three tracks: ‘Artists for Media’ an artist residency, ‘Startups for Citizens’, a startup accelerator, and ‘Startup meets Artist’, a unique programme that supports artists and startups to work together on one project.

The projects on the 'Startups for Citizens' and 'Startup meets Artist' tracks had one month and up to €5,000 to refine their idea. At the end of April, they then had to pitch their idea to a panel of judges from the MediaFutures consortium to win a place on the next stage of the programme.

We’re excited to announce the following projects that will progress to the next phase: the BUILD stage.

Startups for Citizens

Each project will receive up to €50,000, plus five more months of support to take their ideas to the next level.

Startup meets Artist

For each project, the startup will receive up to €65,000 and the artist up to €30,000, plus five more months of support to take their ideas to the next level.

“I was really impressed by the creativity and high quality of the 'Startups for Citizens' and 'Startup meets Artist' projects. It was a really tough jury duty. Now I am excited to see how the teams are going to develop in the next phase.” - Nico Lumma, Managing Partner next media accelerator

The five artists selected to join the artist residency track ‘Artists for Media’, who did not participate in the pitch event, will also continue on the programme:

You can read summaries for each project here. We’ll continue to update you on their progress throughout the programme.

The MediaFutures project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951962.

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