This website is the property of IRCAM, Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique, based at 1, place Igor Stravinsky, 75004 paris, a non profit organization state-approved from decree dated the 24th december of 1976, Siret number : 309 320 612 00018.
This site along with all the material it contains is the property of IRCAM and is protected in accordance to the Intellectual Property Code. As such, all reproductions or representations (partial or complete) of this website, and all extractions of our databases, by whatever means, without specific authorization from IRCAM is strictly prohibited.
This website enables external users to enter their data, including textual and multimedia contents and to publish these data online. This concerns in particular presentations of R&D projects and of organisations willing to participate in the VERTIGO residencies program as Producers, as well as physical persons registering to the platform such as artists with their personal data and portfolio and biographies. All these data (texts, images, videos, sounds) are provided under the sole responsibility of these users and IRCAM disclaims all liability on the authenticity and the truthfulness of the supplied information.