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MediaFutures celebrates the first cohort of artist and startup projects

MediaFutures concluded the first support programme with an online Demo Day where all projects from the first cohort showcased their projects and artworks.

'Using Digital Technologies to Innovate in Heritage Research, Policy and Practice'

The UK National Commission for UNESCO and PRAXIS at the University of Leeds (UK) released last 7th October the report on Using Digital Technologies to Innovate in Heritage Research, Policy and Practice.

Better Factory First Open Call: Meet the winning teams

The Better Factory initiative selected the 7 best international teams from its 1st Open Call. During the Jury Day that took place the past 1st of September, the best proposals for experiments were selected to start the Better Factory Programme.  

VYX project: the wearable solution to empower healthy living

VYX will be the world’s first non-screen-based prescriptive wearable solution to empower healthy living and give users control and stimulants to persist in their vital lifestyle. Prevention is key in health monitoring.

"MusicAIRE" is calling the music ecosystem to support the design of future grants

INOVA+ and the European Music Council (EMC) have launched the new European project MusicAIRE. The consortium will develop grants to support the music ecosystem to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis in a green, digital and just and resilient way.

STARTS4Water announces winners of open call for 10 artist residencies addressing new water realities

10 artists or artistic collectives have been chosen for the STARTS4Water residencies that will kick-start a series of collaborative processes and generate projects that raise awareness and offer concrete solutions for regional water challenges in Europe.

S+T+ARTS Repairing the Present - Open call launching soon !

STARTS Prize 2021: who are the winners?

One key element of the STARTS Initiative is a prestigious award generously endowed with €40,000 in prize money: each year, a yearly competition is held to single out for recognition innovative projects at the nexus of science, technology and the arts, that have what it takes to make a significant impact on economic and social innovation.

The two STARTS prize-winners each receive €20,000 and are prominently featured at Ars Electronica and other events of the consortium partners BOZAR, Waag, INOVA+, T6 Ecosystems, French Tech Grande Provence and Frankfurter Buchmesse.

Explore the Coronavirus Pandemic Creative Responses Archive, by ISSUES

Explore the Coronavirus Pandemic Creative Responses Archive

Creativity often flourishes in stressful times because innovation evolves out of need. During the coronavirus pandemic, we are witnessing a range of creative responses from individuals, communities, organizations, and industries. Some are intensely personal, others expansively global—mirroring the many ways the pandemic has affected us. What do these responses to the pandemic tell us about our society, our level of resilience, and how we might imagine the future?

Echoes: the new app which lets you listen to your heart at home

King’s College London, Cellule Studio and Maastricht University develop mobile app to record the sound of a beating heart.

It’s time to build! Meet the projects progressing onto the next stage of MediaFutures

MediaFutures selected seven projects from the 'Startups for Citizens' and 'Startup meets Artist' tracks to join the five ‘Artists for Media’ projects to continue on the MediaFutures programme, unlocking further funding and support.

Nemo, Biennial of Digital Arts reveals its 12 S+T+ARTS award-winning projects, as part of its next edition artistic programme

The international call for projects launched by LE CENTQUATRE-PARIS for the next edition of Nemo, Digital Arts Biennial of the Île-de-France Region, was centred on the theme "BEYOND REALITY? Revealing the invisible through art, science and technology », and released in two sessions (April and October 2020).

Wearable technology and Inclusion: an insight from Witsense, art-tech-science company selected for STARTS in MOTION 2021.

As an emerging field in the creative economy, wearable technologies and e-textiles “are typically used together in the fashion industry to create garments which are capable of computation, interaction, and communication”.[1]WEAR Sustain and Re-FREAM networks, part of the S+T+ARTS initiative, catalyse artists and technologists towards the development of a sustainable and inclusive approach to additive manufacturing (3D printing), e-textiles and eco-innovative finishing to create a new value chain for the fashion industry.[2]

The Arts And Humanities Deliver Untapped Value For The Future Of Work, says article in Forbes

Forbes has just released an article, by Benjamin Wolff.

Constructing Connectivity, a frontier project in e-textiles innovation by Jessica Smarsch.

An inspiring and successful 3-year collaboration between S+T+ARTS and Jessica Smarsch has been achieved thanks to the support of WEAR Sustain and Re-Fream, two EU projects supporting the development of a sustainable and inclusive approach to additive manufacturing (3D printing), e-textiles and eco-innovative finishing to create a new value chain for the fashion industry.

STARTS4Water around the corner

A new STARTS project starts in April! 

Bringing together art, technology and science, STARTS4Water aims to tackle one of the most pressing challenges of our times: water management.