10 MAR, 8 APR, 6 MAY 2021 | 18:00 - 19:30 (CET) | ONLINE | FREE
ARTIFICIA is a new platform for the promotion of augmented creativity that links artificial intelligence with artistic creativity.
It wants to become a project to democratize knowledge in AI and its application in artistic creations and wants to become a reference agent in this emerging sector within the creative industries. An open and collaborative space to carry out activities that articulate the debate around the impact of technology and, Artificial Intelligence in particular, on culture and society from a critical perspective.
ARTIFICIA is organising three online sessions between March and May 2021, open and free, focused on musical creativity and the use of AI, with presentations of projects and live performances, as well as discussions with international and local experts.
The first session, dedicated to AI and musical improvisation, will take place on 10 March and will feature Ramon López de Mántaras, research professor and former director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), as moderator.
The sessions are online and free, allowing access to anyone. In each of the three events, the specialists will show and talk about different aspects and creative processes using AI. Fostering education, gender equity and the ethical use of AI.
Discover the full details on the sessions