New European Bauhaus: Commission launches the first phase: Design

Publish date
Feb. 3, 2021


On 18th January, the Commission launched the design phase of the New European Bauhaus initiative, announced by President von der Leyen in her 2020 State of the Union address. The New European Bauhaus is an environmental, economic and cultural project, aiming to combine design, sustainability, accessibility, affordability and investment in order to help deliver the European Green Deal. The core values of the New European Bauhaus are thus sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness. The goal of the design phase is to use a co-creation process to shape the concept by exploring ideas, identifying the most urgent needs and challenges, and to connect interested parties. As one element of the design phase, this spring, the Commission will launch, the first edition of the New European Bauhaus prize.

This design phase will lead to the opening of calls for proposals in autumn this year to bring to life New European Bauhaus ideas in at least five places in EU Member States, through the use of EU funds at national and regional level.


Read the full article announcing the Design Phase launch


Concrete Steps of the New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus unfolds in three phases: Co-design, Delivery and Dissemination.

The phases partly operate in parallel, as individuals and communities interested in the first ideas are most likely to become partners to deliver and scale up the initiative. The New European Bauhaus engages early through open conversations, to shape the concept in a large co-creation process. In parallel, the initiative needs to develop a framework of deliveries, to align with the ongoing planning of the Multi-annual Financial Framework.

Co-design: From October 2020 to Summer 2021

In this phase, the movement will start being shapped by gathering and connecting what we all consider concrete contemporary examples that showcase principles of the New European Bauhaus. The most inspiring contributions will help all interested people to organise, trigger and participate to debates. An engagement toolkit is available to inspire the conversations and structure the collection of emerging ideas and insights. The outcome of the co-design phase will be a support framework based on EU programs, including a call for proposals for pilots in different EU Member States where the new Bauhaus concept will come to life. Special prizes will be awarded in Summer 2021 to excellent contemporary examples that are in their own way already combining sustainability, quality of experience and inclusion, selected among the examples collected and reviewed/integrated by the enlarged community.

Delivery: From September 2021 onward

This phase will start with the setup and implementation of New European Bauhaus pilots, supported by specific calls for proposals.They will be closely followed and monitored in a 'community of practice' mode, to share the lessons learned from these first experiments. The focus of the dissemination phase will then be on diffusing good ideas, across Europe and beyond.

Dissemination: From January 2023 onward

In the third phase, the focus will be on amplifying the ideas and actions that emerged and reaching a broader audience in Europe and beyond. It will be a lot about networking and systematically sharing knowledge between participants and practitioners. Finally, the New European Bauhaus will support the emergence of lead markets for beautiful, sustainable, inclusive ways of living.

Know More on the New European Bauhaus website