Underpaid, underrepresented, underpromoted: describing women’s ceiling glass in the European Creative Cultural Industries Efforts on the promotion of the equal share of opportunities for women in the European cultural arena are still not enough. That’s one of the conclusions you can derive from a new report that has been recently published by the Wom@rts Project. Aimed to reduce the significant lack of data on the participation of women as agents and also as consumers in the European cultural life, the report gathers a wide range of legal documents, directives, programmes and scientific studies on the promotion of equality in the CCI’s between 2000 and 2017, and analyses them in order to identify urgent scenarios to take action. It also drafts a list of measures, which could be implemented by European authorities, and several target groups (from civil society to decision-makers) for changing the current situation. http://www.womarts.eu/state-of-the-arts-report/
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