Each year, AUT hosts an outstanding French scholar under the Te Ataata Residency programme. Te Ataata Residency is a joint initiative between AUT and the French Embassy in New Zealand, with the support of Institut Français. The programme aims to develop collaborations and initiatives between the two countries. The residency is an opportunity for a practice-based French scholar to work alongside their AUT peers on **interdisciplinary art-science research**, with access to the same facilities, expertise and materials as staff during their stay here. The resident is hosted by AUT’s Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies - Te Ara Auaha. The faculty recognises that design as a discipline is central to advancing transdisciplinary learning and research. **Its range of discipline areas include art and design; communication studies; engineering, computer and mathematical sciences; and creative technologies.** The residency includes airfares, accommodation and a weekly stipend as described below. More info: [https://www.aut.ac.nz/about/faculties-and-schools/faculty-of-design-and-creative-technologies/te-ataata-residency-programme-for-creative-practitioners-from-france]
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