Open Call
![]() | Launched by STARTS ECOSYSTEM, coordinated by INOVA+.Deadline to apply: February 10th, 29:59 CET - deadline extended !Apply now |
STARTS in MOTION is back to take your art-tech project to the next level !
STARTS in MOTION has been designed to empower artists and technologists in further developing their art-tech project by exploring the business side of their creative endeavors.
At STARTS, we intend development not just as economic growth, but as a process create more impact in the society, in a humane and inclusive way. We want to promote a greener and more sustainable economy, turned to the people, promoting diversity and respectful of the environment. We want to support artists whose critical, aesthetic and visionary perspectives push the boundaries of technology and have the potential to change the shape of the economy of the future.
Artists are at the very forefront of reflecting on these issues. Operating at the nexus of art, technology and science, they are developing provoking and visonary prototypes and projects that propose solutions on how to tackle global challenges. STARTS in MOTION focuses on the promotion of their art-driven projects, products and solutions.
Overall, STARTS in Motion aims to unleash the full potential of the talents and changemakers who contribute to the development of an innovative STARTS ecosystem at European level.
The programme focuses on supporting art-tech projects in the following areas:
+ Business plan: support in building a strong canvas
+ Business model: with a specific interest on creative entrepreneurship, open source, creative commons and alternative pricing methodologies
+ Public funding: tips to access opportunities especially designed for art-tech collaborations and creative businesses, and how to build a strong application
+ Private funding: gaining knowledge on how it works and which strategies fit you better, introductions to business angels, investors, or/and advice on crowdfunding
+ Storytelling, marketing and pitching: upon the needs and targets defined, work on different types of presentations that translate your objectives and values
+ Intellectual Property and patenting: fundamentals and strategies to implement to protect rights when entering the market
![]() | How it works: |
We have thought this programme to be flexible and tailor-made.
No session is mandatory and the administrative burden is reduced at the minimum.
Each team is free to make the best out of the programme: the more involved, the more benefits!
The first step, after being selected, is to have an individual assessment talk with the manager of the programme, where specific needs are analysed and objectives are determined, including an individual mentoring plan.
Regular checks are made along the 4 months of implementation (March to June).
Through group workshops where experts introduce key topics, the participants gain general knowledge.
Preliminary agenda of group workshops
Upon their interest, they can continue the discussions with up to 3 hours of individual mentoring sessions with the STARTS in MOTION experts, to work further and achieve meaningful changes. Each project can benefit from up to 4 mentors.
By the end of the programme on June 30th, participants have the opportunity to pitch for investors, sponsors and / or partners, according to their objectives.
The STARTS in MOTION management team provides follow-up until November 2021, for additional questions and facilitation of contacts.
![]() | The fabulous mentors of STARTS in MOTION: |
1. Lisa Lang, CEO of The Powerhouse (DE), specialised in marketing, partnership, design, and business development.
2. Laurence Leny, VP starts-up ecosystem creative industries at Orange (FR), specialised in innovation and start-up development strategy.
3. Marija Butkovic, CEO of Women of Wearables (UK), specialised in marketing, private funding and storytelling.
4. Alejandro Martin, Head of EU projects and Innovation at Espronceda (ES), specialised in innovation, art/tech area, project development.
5. Silvia Zancarli , Course Leader MAS Fashion Innovation at SUPSI and Start-up mentor (IT), specialised in crowdfunding and marketing.
6. Michka Mélo, social ecology and innovation specialist at EPFL (CH), specialised in alternative pricing strategies.
7. Eurico Neves, CEO of INOVA+ (PT), specialised in business angels and private investment, storytelling and marketing.
8. Miguel Sousa, COO of INOVA+ (PT), specialised in business model canvas, coaching and investment.
9. Gil Gonçalves, Professor at University of Porto and former CSO at INOVA+ (PT), specialised in open source strategy, business models and development.
10. Aurélie Delater, Senior Consultant at INOVA+ and STARTS ECOSYSTEM manager (PT), specialised in public funding, EU projects and proposals writing.
11. Kate Rich, artist, trader and feral economist (AS), specialised in creative economy, arts and business, and alternative pricing methodologies.
12. Lubomila Jordanova, co-Founder & CEO of PlanA.Earth and co-Founder of Greentech Alliance (DE), specialised in pitching.
13. Nana Radenković, co-founder and program manager at Nova Iskra (RS), specialised in business plan for creative industries
14. Elio de Tullio, founder and CEO of De Tullio & Partners, lawyer and expert in IP towards the European Commission (IT), specialised in IP for creative businesses.
15. Kristina Maurer, Head of European projects at ARS ELECTRONICA (AT), specialised in innovation and art-tech collaborations.
16. Joana Lacerda, Director of Impact at ThePowerHouse (DE), specialised in business strategy, pitching and funding for creative entrepreneurs.
17. Ivan Manojlovic, International Cooperation Manager at Nova Iskra (RS), specialised, specialised in creative sector and cultural heritage.
![]() | Who is eligible? |
- Any tech - art project (STARTS or not): those where an artist works with a technologist / tech company to create an innovative prototype or solution
- For STARTS teams: the funding received through a residency and/or a prize has to be ended (collaborations in course are not eligible)
- Tech - art solutions and protypes that are ready for the market and need a final push
- Tech - art solutions and protypes that are already in the market and want to scale-up
- Tech - art teams can be from anywhere in the world, but must consider compatibility with the CET time zone for workshops and mentoring sessions.
![]() | Application, selection and implementation : |
January 7th: Launch of the open call
February 5th: Application deadline
February 10th: Extended application deadline
February 11th to 12th: Eligibility check by INOVA+
February 15th to 19th: Individual evaluation by experts of the STARTS network
February 24th: Communication of results by email to all selected projects
February 26th: Public communication of results on and social media
February 26th to March 10th: individual talk with managers of the programme for needs assessment and definition of mentoring plan
March 3rd: Icebreaking session with all selected projects (closed session)
March to June: Implementation of programme
June 30th: final pitching event and closure of the edition
June to November: follow-up for questions and facilitation of contacts from the management team.