Posted by: Marie Albert 2 years, 2 months ago
The article “Artist Residencies for Innovation: Development of a Global Framework”, produced in the framework of STARTS Residencies project, was accepted and presented at Siggraph 2019, in Los Angeles. Due to the good evaluation, the paper was not only presented during the art track session, including 15 international contributions, as planned, but also selected among the 6 art paper for the Fast Forward session, in the Plenary Room. This year, Siggraph has gathered 18’700 attendees, its highest number since 2013, and 79 countries. We are therefore proud of this achievement.
The art session itself has occurred in front of several key players of the art-science-technology field, both from the academic side (Legrady, Forbes, Reyes, etc.) and from the art community (Akten, Layng & Perlin, etc.). The presentation has drag the attention of the curators as well as Leonardo editor, to increase collaborations with art-sciences initiatives in Europe.
Beyond the presentations, the article leads to a double publication.
The proceedings of the conference
The special edition from Leonardo ( electronic edition) / MIT Press
"Artists can play a major role in the success of innovation. The European program STARTS aims to increase their impact in high-tech environments. An international consortium has the mission to implement 45 residencies and set a complete framework for such partnerships. The authors identify methodological gaps from the literature and observe how the STARTS program fills them. The authors discuss the impact of the implemented solutions, providing the leading global study on this large-scale action. The resulting residency framework, including the methodology and its associated tools, will be released publicly, making it available to institutions and companies."
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