This Spring 2021, Room to Bloom launches its platform with an open call for applications addressing young feminist artists. Through this call, the platform will collectively select a group of 100 emerging feminist artists to participate in a mix of trainings, workshops and talks throughout the year. All the selected participants will be presented in an international index available in this website and disseminated among international cultural institutions. Out of them, 15 artists will be selected to work over the Summer to produce artworks reflecting on the central themes of the platform. In a collective curatorial process, the 15 artworks selected will be pointing out new ways for transnational, post-colonial and environmentally sensible art practices to imagine new possible futures for women and minorities in the Art world. Room to Bloom artworks will be exhibited in the city of Palermo, in the context of the cultural programme curated by Studio Rizoma for the city (November 2021), in the Kyiv Biennale and Biennale Warszawa. Room to Bloom launches an open call for applications to invite artists to submit their interest to participate in our programme, including one of the three workshops we offer: Workshop on Eco-Feminism in June 2021 (Athens, with parallel online option) Workshop on Postcolonial Feminism in September 2021 (online) Workshop on leveraging obstacles to feminist and migrant artists careers in November 2021 (Palermo, with parallel online option) A first kick-off online meeting will be held in June for all participants selected. Deadline to apply is 23rd April, 2021 – midnight CET. https://www.roomtobloom.eu/
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