HI all This is my first blog post for STARTS.eu as part of the STARTS Ecosystems, here to support artists collaborating with scientists and technologists from all the STARTS Community. And since we're all cooped up in our homes during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, more than ever we - us for you but also all of us in the community (i.e. you too) - can share and support each other. I have found a small collection of resources that I hope we can share in a more formalised way in the Resources section of this website. But for now here you go: Online hackathons to try help the COVID-19 efforts … Biotech and Data Hackathon https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coronahack-ai-vs-covid-19-tickets-99337559314?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing - although there’s a wait list and its mostly for scientists other Tech for Good hackathons https://wearsustain.eu/announcements/cd37b655-40ac-4fcd-aebb-b8f253b47962 some other good resources to share: US based but still great list of Arts Resources https://creative-capital.org/2020/03/13/list-of-arts-resources-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/ Online Facebook group for sharing resources for teaching Art https://www.facebook.com/groups/onlineartanddesigninstruction/?notif_id=1584993129787062¬if_t=groups_invite_confirmed_feedback http://shift-work.org.uk/ Shift/Workshops are composed, playtested and scored by artist-paragogues. Shift/Workshops are an open source and can be played by anyone.🔨 A list of other resources to help the independant art scene around the world http://on-the-move.org/news/article/20675/corona-virus-resources-arts-culture-and-cultural/ In the UK -Virtual Venues and Online audiences https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/mar/22/covid-19-forces-arts-virtual-venues-online-audiences-cultutal-life-shutdown and Resources For Arts & Cultural Organisations https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/features/coronavirus-covid-19-resources-for-arts-cultural-organisations/ Not exactly our focus but cool - Museums online in 360 or VR https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6648003331207897089-SI0D and also this is interesting https://www.roadtovr.com/vr-apps-work-from-home-remote-office-design-review-training-education-cad-telepresence-wfh/ And VR resource for working online if you are so inclined. I will try to keep adding as I find them... Stay safe, stay creative, take care of each other! Camille –––––––––– Camille Baker, PhD Digital Media Reader in Interface & Interaction Year Leader - MA Games Design School of Film, Media and Performing Arts Farnham Campus – CBaker10@uca.ac.uk (tel) 01372 202422 www.camillebaker.me https://www.uca.ac.uk/staff-profiles/dr-camille-baker/ – UCA PI on EU funded projects: STARTS Eco-system starts.eu (2019-2021) //// WEAR Sustain wearsustain.eu (2017-2018) /// FET-Art/ICT&Art Connect (2013-2014) – Video by Hyundai https://youtu.be/S63OvmTDq8U Books New Directions in Mobile Media and Performance monograph (Aug 2018) Routledge https://www.routledge.com/New-Directions-in-Mobile-Media-and-Performance/ & co-edited with Kate Sicchio Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice: Techne, Technique, Technology (Dec 2016) https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138934115 –
Currently unrated


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