The ultimate aim of RegionArts is to promote the **competitiveness and innovation of compagnies** through the integration of, and synergies, **between ICT and artists**. In this policy booklet, they share the lessons learnt from the project activities on the mapping of regional ecosystems and activities linking ICT and Art, providing, for each region an example subset of the CCI/ICT ecosystem. > The sector of Art & Design is clearly linked to ICT sector and, in order to further empowering this cooperative innovation and interconnection between these two sectors, programmes for supporting innovation, creativity and design are developed. > If you are you looking for an overview of activities linking ICT and Art, this is a MUST READ! Access to the booklet : https://issuu.com/startupregions/docs/regionarts-policy_booklet-01 Enjoy the read and let us what comes in your mind!
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