Today, the heart of our experience of sound and image uses, or is transmitted, through digital technologies. The use of itinerant systems, like cell phones or tablets, influences our sensorial experiences, our perception of the environment, but also our behaviour, actions, gestures and interactions with various objects. By developing new interaction’s paradigms made possible thanks to the combination of mobile technologies and the web, we came up with an interactive musical performance. The public is invited to take part to the musical actions proposed as game. In this respect, thanks to accelerometers integrated in every smartphone, cell phones are used as object which we can capture the movements of. This musical actions are surrounded by a soundscape. In this case, audience cell phones are used as dispatched loudspeakers, in a spatialised sound experience. This procedures allows us to treat two levels of communication and spatial and musical relationships: individual and collective, having, as a result a fertile set of relational possibilities. Picture credits: Performer: Lucas Struna Photo: Yannick Nibua
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