The concept of ‘Multiverse Mine’(觀自在) is based on the Buddhism legend ‘Dragon Princess Became Buddha Immediately’(龍女即身成佛), which should be considered as the eastern ancient version of ‘Lucy’(2014 sci-fi movie directed by Luc Besson). As a good reference of human society, the story is about Earth life evolution, quantum transformation, the secret of Timelessness, a reflection of sex / life equation with an avant-garde peace consciousness. We're expected a new type of sci-fi story different from Distopia or Cyberpunk, but just like an Awakening of New Age with Eastern aesthetic texture. And as an VR player, we found that VR experiences were just like meditation and hypnosis. Through VR film, we can express and bring others the profound truth and sight of We Are Oneness without words. It the main reason why we want to create this new artwork. *This XR artwork project will be launched in 2020 - 2022 A.D. / COMING SOON
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