Posted by:
georgia kliff
2 weeks, 5 days ago
Health insurance issues may range from state to state and depend on a number of factors. The Florida State is traditionally considered one of the most undetermined in regard to this topic, facing certain challenges. The use of the website will help to discuss the insurance-related matters in view of the current trends in this area.
Insurance services in Florida are partly developed. Some residents have access to employer-sponsored insurance plans, whereas the rest can purchase insurance services within private marketplaces or through the federal marketplace exchange (HealthCare, Inc., 2017). The eligible population may apply for such state-funded programs as CHIP or Medicaid.
Since health statistics in Florida is not well researched, it is basically the main challenge the state faces. Unfortunately, in 2014, it was ranked only the thirty-second healthiest state in the USA (HealthCare, Inc., 2017). A great number of state residents still lack proper health insurance or do not have it at all. Apart from that, the Florida Department of Health needs to increase accessibility to health-related initiatives.
As to the healthcare reform initiated by previous President Barack Obama, residents of Florida started buying insurances at the federal marketplaces. Overall, their reaction to the reform was quite positive. Many hoped that it would cause meaningful changes and improve healthcare statistics in the state. Due to marketplace insurance, residents have an opportunity to decrease its costs because they can apply for income-based financial assistance that lowers expenses on healthcare on the monthly basis. Apart from that, the state also runs the Small Business Health Options Program that states that organizations with more than fifty employees should provide full-time members of the staff with insurance benefits (HealthCare, Inc., 2017). Florida Children’s Health Insurance Program offers low-cost health insurance to eligible children. At the same time, the introduction of the healthcare reform in Florida was highly contested since the state refused to introduce its own healthcare exchange, offering this service to the federal government. Moreover, the state government also stripped state insurance commissioner of his powers in order to keep premiums at the levels affordable by the population. Overall, the success of the healthcare reform largely depended on private initiatives in the state (The Editorial Board, 2013). The debate has abated a little bit in the recent years. Overall, the medical reform in Florida has faced many issues, ranging from increased expectations to the refusal expressed by the federal government.
Considering health statistics and insurance tendencies in Florida, I believe that the demand for family nurse practitioners may grow in the future since health-related problems are the most urgent ones and need to be handled sooner or later (Wong, 2012). Since the reform initiated by Barack Obama has been recently cancelled by Donald Trump, it is currently hard to judge what will happen in this domain. Nevertheless, considering demographic trends and prolonged life expectancy rates, family nurse practitioners’ services will be definitely demanded in the coming years. At the same time, health insurance issues should not affect the practice of nurses since people are expected to apply for medical help in case they are indeed in trouble (Spetz, 2014). I consider that in my practice as a family nurse practitioner, I may face some difficulties since more patients will apply for medical help and pressure at work will increase. Paperwork will also aggravate it, making daily routine more difficult.
In conclusion, health-related matters in Florida are quite unaddressed since currently the state is not ranked among the top healthiest ones in the USA. Many residents are uninsured. The medical reform caused some positive changes, which were delayed by the policy implemented recently. Yet, in view of changes, the demand for nurses may still increase since nowadays many cases are unreported because patients do not apply for medical help due to financial considerations.
About the author: Georgia Kliff is a master in Literature at Maryland University. She is currently working as one of the best writers at place where you can find information about how to [rate my college essay]( She also studies male psychology.
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