**Deadline: 15 April 2020** Gabriela Tudor Foundation in Bucharest, in partnership with the residency centre AGITLab in Agueda and the City of Agueda, is launching the Gabriela Tudor 2020 residency programme, aiming to support mobility and artistic creation in the field of dance and contemporary art. The residencies will have a duration of approx. 4 weeks and will take place in **Agueda (Portugal) between 1-28 September 2020** and in **Bucharest (Romania) between 8-30 September 2020**. Each residency provides access to a workspace or dance studio (6 hours/day) as well as a fee of Euro 1500 for each project selected. For the residencies in Agueda an additional support of 300 Euro will be made for research and production costs. Both residences will conclude with an informal presentation open to the public. The residence welcomes artists and curators working on a new project idea or on a project in the final stage of production. Up to 3 projects will be selected for the Agueda residency and one project for the Bucharest residency. The residency is dedicated to the memory of Gabriela Tudor (1957-2009), a visionary producer and cultural manager who played an important role in the development of the cultural sector in Romania. More details on https://dans.ro/gabriela-tudor-residency-programme-2020-agueda-bucharest/
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