Join this masterclass with fashion designer Karim Adduchi and discover how one drawing connected hundreds of people worldwide. About this event Tickets: fashionforgood.com/karim-adduchi Hybrid event: join virtually or in person at the Fashion for Good Museum! The natural world has always been a source of inspiration for the fashion world, with designers continuously looking to nature for colours, textures, forms and materials. In our upcoming masterclass, fashion designer, illustrator and co-founder of the World Makers Foundation, Karim Adduchi, will talk about bridging the gap between art and fashion, connecting different cultures and the key components in his work: heritage, craftsmanship and nature. We’ll be covering a day in the life of Karim, and addressing questions such as: In what way does his work take care of people and the planet? How to balance sustainability and commerciality? What you, as a consumer, can do to have a positive impact? If you have any questions for Karim, please make sure to submit them in advance or ask them live during the Q&A! AGENDA: 16.45 Doors open for in-person attendees 17.00 Doors close for in-person attendees 17.00: start event & welcome 17.05: deep dive by Karim Adduchi 17.40: Q&A 18.00: end of event
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