Repairing the Present - FAQs Open Call

Read our FAQs to understand more about the project, the open call process and learn about the partners involved.

Throughout the open call, this page will be updated with the questions we receive from applicants to ensure all applicants receive the same information. No questions will be answered in individual emails to artists. You can contact us at if your question is not included in the present FAQs and we will update this page as quickly as possible.

We cover the following sections answering questions about different stages and aspects of the project:

Definitions and Keywords

Application Process



Definitions and Keywords

What is the European Green Deal? 

The European Union’s (EU) Green Deal is the EU’s main growth strategy to help the EU economy transition towards a sustainable economic model. Presented in December 2019, the overarching objective of the EU Green Deal is for the EU to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, resulting in a cleaner environment, more affordable energy, smarter transport, new jobs and overall better quality of life.

More information:

What are the Sustainable Development Goals? 

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

More information:

What is the New European Bauhaus? 

The New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls.

More information:

Who are the relevant actors in the project Repairing the Present?

Consortium:Repairing the Present is a multi-stakeholder action project dedicated to equitable, sustainable and unconventional approaches to the European Green Deal and the Global Sustainable Development Goals. The consortium assembles 12 core partner organisations from 11 countries. The Repairing the Present Expert Programwill support 21 artist fellowships and coordinate 27 S+T+ARTS Academy events at a local and regional level and link them both across the S+T+ARTS network, as well as to global development agendas. The consortium led by Snowball builds upon highly relevant backgrounds and profiles, the diversity, strength and experience of each partner and their extensive networks. The consortium strives to initiate, facilitate and develop a focused dialogue in a balanced top-down, bottom-up approach, to raise awareness about the potential of art to act as a source for innovation and sustainable development. 

The local consortium partners are Cleantech Hub Snowball (BE), MAXXI Museum (IT), STATE (DE), Onassis Stegi (EL), In4Art (NL), MEET (IT), CCCB (ES), Ars Electronica (AT), Sony CSL Paris (FR), Kersnikova (SI), CYENS (CY), Art Hub Copenhagen (DK).

Local Expert Groups: Each consortium partner has gathered a Local Expert Group involving 10 to 15 local and regional digital experts, scientists, leaders, entrepreneurs and art professionals. Participants have been chosen from all walks of life: business, politics, civil society, academia, arts, media. 

Partners have set up meetings with their Local Expert Groups to receive their support and expertise in designing the open call and the development and production phase of the fellowships. Through the involvement and engagement of their Local Expert Groups, partners aim to expand the opportunities for interaction and collaborative action at the regional, national, and global levels.

Jury: The jury will be composed of a minimum of 5 independent, non-consortium related members per Regional S+T+ARTS Centre. The interdisciplinary jury including high-profile experts from different sectors (business, science, art, government, etc.) will select the fellowship candidates.

Application Process

Are practising designers eligible to participate?

The call is open to independent artists and art collectives only, not design studios. Applications will be assessed on the artistic quality of the applicant amongst others. This involves individually realised autonomous art projects. Commercial work does not qualify for this criterium.

We want to apply as a collective, who should fill in the Artist profile section?

If you apply as a collective, the Artist Profile should be based on the CV of the collective.

Is it possible to apply for the "Repair the Present" challenge as a team?

It is not eligible to apply together with your collaborator to the open call. The call is open to individual artists or collectives.

Is involving expertise in my proposal an eligible expenditure?

Yes, involving expertise is an eligible expenditure.

I am affiliated with a university. Would it be possible to apply as part of the university (e.g. invoicing and other contractual work is managed by the university)?

It is not possible to apply as part of a university.


What is the duration of fellowships? Am I expected to be physically present throughout the whole duration of the fellowship?

The fellowships will take place between February 2022 and July 2022. The maximum duration of the fellowship is set at 6 months. During these 6 months, the artist will be required to be physically present at the partner institution for work meetings with the partners of the supporting network. The frequency and duration of these meetings will be decided upon by mutual consent between the artist and the partner institution. After the fellowship, the artist is expected to contribute to the preparations of prototyping parks and other dissemination events.

What alternatives have you thought of, if there are restrictions due to COVID-19?

In the unfortunate event of a new wave of COVID-19 infections affecting the possibility of travelling between regions in Europe, the fellowship will be remote and physical presence will be postponed to a new date by mutual agreements between the artist and the partner institution.

What are the attendance requirements for meetings?

Each fellowship will include a kick-off meeting which artists are expected to attend. Further compulsory fellowship-internal meetings, whose attendance and frequency depend on the work plan, are anticipated. 

What is expected from me at the end of the fellowship?

At the end of the fellowship, the artist is expected to have completed a presentable work and to participate with it in all the presentation moments planned by the consortium of the Repairing the Present project.

What deliverables are expected?

Applicants are expected to produce formal deliverables of their project, including at least one report and a prototype of their solution or artwork. The report must describe in sufficient detail, the work completed per each task of the work plan, the results achieved, description of implementation and tests performed. 


How will the results of my work be made visible?

The projects developed in the 21 Repairing the Present fellowships will be presented in Prototyping Parks dedicated to the project, as well as via the website and social networks. In addition, each of the partner institutions will organise specific events such as public presentations, talks and round tables dedicated to the project.

The work(s) produced will also be disseminated through the Repairing the Present Academy programme, which includes educational activities and networking events.

What is the expected impact of outreach activities for the fellowship?
The Regional S+T+ARTS Centers will extensively use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and YouTube to promote activities implemented as part of Repairing the Present, such as the open call, documentation of artist fellowships and overall development of the project, meetings, events, news.

The Regional S+T+ARTS Centers ensure a wide reach, with large audiences and following gathered by the consortium partners’ channels combined:

  • Facebook Followers: 778 431
  • Twitter Followers: 519 721
  • Youtube Followers: 80 910
  • Instagram Followers: 349 786

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