**Organize art event such art talks by artists** Blog post from the series of [Socialising In The Art World](https://www.temporaryspaceberlin.com/post/socialising-in-the-art-world) After taking part in the events of others, I wanted to organize **my own art event**. My own network was growing and I have heard countless times that the artists have just very few opportunities to **present their art practice to the public**. So, I have decided to create a group dedicated to Contemporary Art in Berlin on [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Contemporary-Art-Tours-Berlin/). ![Meetup Group, Haze Gallery Berlin, Claudia Vitari](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f5b4b7_1a64e4f0292342c78529f039b643c66c~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_1009,h_689,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/f5b4b7_1a64e4f0292342c78529f039b643c66c~mv2.webp) One of the new members who joined the group was **Irina** who owns **Haze Gallery** and runs **Purple Haze Magazine** committed to art & fashion. Irina was kind to offer me the gallery for an evening or two, so I could **host the art talks in her gallery**. Before the Corona hit us in a full swing I managed to **organized 3 art talks**. The first artist was **Claudia Vitari** then **Maria Marshall** and the last one was **Ming Lu** who I knew from the SomoS Peer2Peer sessions. ![Ming Lu, Art Talk, Haze Gallery Berlin](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f5b4b7_526fc74522a649518fd45ebb04bbd9f7~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_1009,h_757,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/f5b4b7_526fc74522a649518fd45ebb04bbd9f7~mv2.webp) The number of people in the audience was growing and the last **art talk attracted around 20 people**. One of the members from the audience was Renata who runs BBA Gallery in Mitte and yet again I received an invitation for one of the art shows in her art gallery. Later on this year **Renata´s BBA Gallery published its annual open call for their Artist Prize 2020**. It was nice to see that **Ming submitted her artwork**. It was a nice coincidence that Renata remembered her artworks from the talk at Haze Gallery. The cherry on the top of this story is that **Ming Lu actually won the Artist Prize 2020** organized by BBA Gallery. When in **March 2020** were all public places closed for a while due to the pandemic, **I did not want to give up on the Art Talks by Artists**, because so many artists appreciated the opportunity to talk about their art in front of like minded audience. So, I have come up with an **online version, [Online Art Talks by Artists](https://www.temporaryspaceberlin.com/art-talk-art-podcasts)**. The first two series I did by myself. I contacted the artists from my database, set up the video call, recorded the call and later on edited it. ![Online Art Talks by Artists at Temporary Space Berlin](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f5b4b7_482ff708cd3243d59ad37905d2956b46~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_1000,h_905,al_c,q_90/f5b4b7_482ff708cd3243d59ad37905d2956b46~mv2.webp) It was not the most time efficient project because I had too many **artists happy to take part but I did not have enough time** to do the technical side of the Online Art Talks. Based on my experience I re-organized the Online Art Talks which turned out to be more art podcasts than interviews as I intended at the beginning. I have created an infographic with instructions on how to make a podcast and published the [open call](https://www.temporaryspaceberlin.com/open-call-art-talks). ![Infographic How To Create Podcast](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f5b4b7_04d440e22297406d848dc5d8913c9dc0~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_491,h_1227,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/f5b4b7_04d440e22297406d848dc5d8913c9dc0~mv2.webp) Now the **artists can do it by themselves and send it to me** and I will share it on my website and within my network.
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