[Fabricating Alternatives](https://fabalternatives.design/) is a digital card deck powered by an advanced machine learning language model (GPT-2) that remixes and multiplies ideas around any topic that you and your team are exploring. Feed the machine with some inspiring articles to shuffle and play with your generated cards, each with a unique, provoking question.  A playful catalyst to explore radical new ideas.  Once a group has crafted their card deck, it’s then an opportunity to apply different techniques and creative exercises to spark conversation and shape concepts and innovation.  The  creative studio  [Imagination  of  Things](https://imaginationofthings.com) released  the  beta  version  of  the ideation tool and made it openly available (each session stays online for 48h) and is hoping  to  see  new  (and  unintended)  use  cases ,  and  hopefully  incorporate  new  features and release the full application soon. It’s a hybrid of design & ideation tool and a game that can unlock more imagination and creativity.
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