Get creative at the Flowers & Powers x Fashion for Good workshop and make your own dried flower bouquet or hoop! About this event As you might have seen, the GROW exhibition at the Fashion for Good Museum is filled with flower installations thanks to the amazing help of Flowers & Powers, a beautiful boutique with fresh and dried flowers in Amsterdam. The GROW exhibition shows how nature, plants, flowers and fruits, in an innovative way, can help build a more sustainable fashion industry. Up next is... ... the Flowers & Powers workshop! Where you will learn how to work with dried flowers and will make a stunning bouquet or flower hoop to take home. All while enjoying some drinks and snacks. Also, you will be able to visit the GROW exhibition - which is all about new natural materials of the future. See you on the 31st? Flowers & Powers x Fashion for Good-workshop - Dried flower hoop: €40 (incl. Materials, drinks & bites) Flowers & Powers x Fashion for Good-workshop - Dried flower bouquet: €50 (incl. Materials, drinks & bites) Join the workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dried-flower-workshop-tickets-162803105471
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