**Deadline: 15 January 2021** ***An Archive of Forgetfulness*** This project is an archive of mobility. Rather than understanding the archive as a direct record, we posit it as a patchy process of memory-making in itself. The archive of forgetfulness encompasses and holds acts of remembering, spectres of other possible worlds, and the hauntings of “the ruins of futures past” across temporal and spatial borders. We understand the archive as a form of crafting the past for the future, where these are not necessarily located in a linear relationship. In collating a fragmentary archive of movement, drawn from sites across the African continent, we do not aim for a whole or complete collection. Rather, we embrace the partial, momentary, and not yet complete; what might exist in the failure of memory, or what can no longer be spoken. ***CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS*** Submissions For the website, we are inviting contributions in the form of short texts, films, photographic essays, sound pieces or video performances that respond to the theme. We also very much welcome works that are a combination of the above. The contributions might be new or existing works but should not be older than five years. (For written submissions, we are only interested in original, unpublished work. Translations may have appeared elsewhere in their original languages, but not in English.) Preference will be given to submissions from the African continent. Selected projects that are to be exhibited (online) will receive an honorarium of R5000 (~255 EUR). INFO: https://www.goethe.de/ins/za/en/kul/gen/aof.html
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