The Schering Stiftung wants to invite scientific institutions that are interested in or have experience with transdisciplinary projects to plan and realize an exhibition project together with us. Apply for a grant by **January 15, 2021**! As part of a collaboration with scientific institutions, the Schering Stiftung offers grants of up to EUR 38,000 as well as practical support for the realization of projects at the intersection of art and science. [”Common Ground”](http://scheringstiftung.de/en/ausschreibungen/ausschreibung-common-ground/) for the first time offers scientific institutions based in Germany an opportunity to realize transdisciplinary projects in cooperation with the Foundation and to present them at the exhibition space of the Schering Stiftung. The exhibition – plus, ideally, a related transdisciplinary symposium – will provide a platform for the dialogue between art, science, and society. The program offers academic institutions an initial insight into the specifics of collaborations with artists and empowers them in the long term to plan and implement such collaborations independently. We actively support the process by contributing our know-how for art science collaboration as well as material and personnel resources. Eligible are natural science institutions employing scientists who … are interested in entering into a dialogue and collaboration with artists, … want to engage in discussions about their research topic with society at large, and … are curious about a change in perspective. Institutions that already have an existing scientist-artist collaboration are also eligible. We offer years of experience with transdisciplinary projects and their project management idiosyncrasies. For the selection of a suitable artist we rely on our constantly growing network of international, transdisciplinary working artists and support the selection through joint match-making or realization of a “call for artists” including final selection through an expert jury. We accompany the resulting exhibition at the Schering Stiftung in its curatorial work as well as in its conception and development. Our trained staff will also supervise the exhibition during its running time. We contribute up to EUR 20,000 to production costs and artist fees and fund up to EUR 3,000 for a scientific events program related to the exhibition. The joint coordination of public relations work in terms of content and concept is supplemented by our participation in the material costs incurred and effectively implemented through press releases in our transdisciplinary e-mail distribution lists. Optionally, we would like to see the joint conception and realization of a symposium at the interface of science and art in the course of the cooperation. To this end, it is possible to apply for an additional EUR 15,000 after the start of the project. Please find all details as well as the Call for Proposals and the Application Form on our Website: [Common Ground.](http://scheringstiftung.de/en/ausschreibungen/ausschreibung-common-ground/). Do not hesitate to contact us with any qestions you might have: Maren Isabel Fritz, Jun. Project Manager, fritz@scheringstiftung.de, Phone: ++49 (0)30-20622967.
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