Gulbenkian / AiR 351 Grant 2020 **Deadline: 15 March 2020** The Gulbenkian Foundation generously supports **one artist or one curator in residence** for a period of 3 months in 2020 at AiR 351. Artists and curators from all countries at any stage of practice are invited to apply. Exception: current or past residents at AiR 351 and artists and curators with a permanent residency status in Portugal are not eligible. AiR 351 is an independent international visual arts residency program **located in Cascais, Lisbon region (Portugal)**. Its team works closely with each resident on a highly supportive environment. Through institutional partnerships, AiR 351´s activities encompass a variety of contexts such as museums, universities and art schools. This is the 3rd edition of the Gulbenkian / AiR 351 Grant. Previous grant recipients were the artists Katarina Poliacikova and Ozge Topçu. **Program:** The program includes access to an individual studio and to communal spaces at AiR 351´s headquarters. AiR 351 will involve the Gulbenkian / AiR 351 Grant 2020 recipient in its general activities program: integration in the local artistic community, technical and curatorial assistance, possibility of working within AiR 351 partners network (namely art schools workshops), studio visits, open studios and public presentations, when possible. AiR 351 do its best efforts to help the recipient finding suitable accommodation. Full details on https://www.air351.art/gulbenkian-air351-grant-2020/
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