Viewing posts by Susana Krauss

Roberto Viola: "The European Communication on AI has laid out an ambitious plan to place Europe at the forefront of future AI"

I had a chance to reflect on the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) when I recently took part in a very interesting event in Linz – Ars Electronica – linking art, technology and society. Here are some thoughts which I would like to share also with my readers -on the input which art-science-technology collaborations can provide and on the role of the human touch in the next AI developments.

Call for Art and the digital: Unleashing creativity for European industry, regions and society

The call for proposals will explore how to broaden STARTS beyond its industry focus and extend it from pure industrial settings to regional and urban development where the digital plays today a prominent role and where a joint effort of art and digital technologies could help create a burgeoning environment for prospering cities.

Artist from Sleep in the City STARTS Residency will sleep in a live performance in Switzerland

17th November from 8h30 until 5h30

STARTS Corporate event at Festival d'Avignon – July, 10, 2018

French Tech Culture together with the European Commission organised on July 10, 2018, a STARTS Corporate event dedicated to a small group of European and French industry and tech leaders. It took place in Avignon during the festival d'Avignon, with a program mixing presentations, informal discussions and shows of the festival.

We had the great pleasure to welcome a group of high level representatives :
– Eric Leandri, CEO at Qwant
– Lisa Przioda and Winfried Keiper from BOSCH Corporate Research
– Esra Aydin from Wolkswagen group
– Mathieu Rozières, CEO at Black Euphoria / Le Cube
– Marco Calcamuggi, CEO at Robotics Industry
– Stéphane Roche from Orange
– Sébastien Carnac, director of Aquitaine Culture
– Joachim Pflieger, director of Fondation Fiminco
– Hinde Daoui from Ubisoft International

STARTS Corporate event at Festival d'Avignon

For all of them, this day was the opportunity to know more about the STARTS initiative and its different pillars, but also to exchange on their innovation processes and strategies,and how art and creativity was part of it.

They also had the chance to test the ATLAS prototype with Yann DEVAL, one of our STARTS Residencies laureate. An amazing experience in mixed reality with the Hololens glasses.

The first 3-D printed steel bridge

The grand prize in the Innovative Collaboration category of the 2018 STARTS Prize – awarded by the European Commission – goes to a Dutch joint venture, MX3D and Joris Laarman Lab. The collaborative project Amsterdam’s 3D Printed Steel Bridge has opened a door for all 3-D printers, researchers, engineers, architects and city planners who will be configuring urban spaces in the future. The organically formed, stainless steel bridge is 12.5 meters long and 6.3 meters wide. It will span the Oudezijds Achterburgwal, Amsterdam’s oldest and most famous canal.

We met Gijs van der Velden from the MX3D team and learned more about the project.

Imparting a Direction to the Future: The 2018 STARTS Prize Jury

The jury made up of international experts charged with selecting the recipients of the 2018 STARTS Prizes awarded by the European Commission recently convened for an entire weekend at the Ars Electronica Center. Their mission: to recognize outstanding work at the interface of science, technology and art. The outcome is still confidential; nevertheless, jurors Francesca Bria and Seiichi Saito briefed us on a few trends in this interview.

Credit: Florian Voggeneder