STARTS at the 5th experience exchange of the RegionArts project
Next November 5th, STARTS will participate in the 5th exchange of experience organised by the RegionArts project.
RegionArts focuses on enhancing SME growth by the integration of artists in ICT projects. It is a 5-year Interreg project aimed at promoting the competitiveness and innovation of companies through the integration of, and synergies, between ICT and Artists. Like the STARTS initiative, the RegionArts partners are convinced of the need for developing co-creation processes and hybrid collaborations in companies. Since 2018, they have worked on identifying policy instruments able to support this kind of partnerships, mapping the ecosystem, understanding users´ needs, and exchanging on good practices and programmes operating under the ARTS&ICT area, at European and regional level.
This day of exchange will focus on screening existing support programmes / initiatives for ARTS & ICT at European and regional level. Representants of the Bureau of European Design Association (BEDA), the Creative Europe Media Desk of Flanders, the Regional Initiative for Culture and Creativity (RICC) of the Emilia-Romagna Region EU delegation, the European Creative Business Network, the cluster and Creative Belgium will participate in the discussions held.
STARTS will be represented by Ramona Van Gansbeke from Gluon. She will talk about the STARTS initiative, its philosophy, pillars and services, including the work developed under the REGIONAL STARTS CENTRES. This new STARTS pilot project aims at promoting hybrid collaborations between Science, Technology and Arts at regional level. The Regional STARTS Centers gather 7 institutional partners across Europe and develop networking and public activities that strengthen collaborative alliances from regions, partners and various stakeholders. The acitivities include talks, workshops, residencies, exhibitions, … all stimulating interaction between artists, research and industry. She will also point out some good practices developed by the STARTS partners, in terms of co-creation methodology and innovation. In particular, she will showcase “Significant Other”, a project developed by Swedish Berlin based artist Jonas Lund during a residency at the Belgian tech company Televic. The project stimulated the use of artificial intelligence within the company.
The conclusions of this series of exchanges will contribute to improving the implementation of Structural Funds/other funds in the RegionArts partners´ regions, through adapting or designing 1 support scheme in each, for the promotion of collaborations between artists and ICT companies.
Through the improved support scheme, RegionArts will promote around 140 new hybrid collaborations (around 20 per region).
See more on RegionArts here:
See other events where STARTS has marked presence here: