Leonardo/International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology launches "Between art and science" podcast

Publish date
March 18, 2021

BETWEEN ART AND SCIENCE is the new podcast from Leonardo/International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology.

Leonardo/ISAST exists to create a community for transdisciplinary practitioners and to amplify their ideas and their work. In this podcast, you can expect to hear from the creators, makers, thinkers and artists who exist in the spaces in between. 

The first episode has just been released:

Chaos, Cosmos and Charlie Brown

Art critic and curator Annick Bureaud and curator and art historian Natalia Kolodzei discuss COSMOS and CHAOS in the context of their contributions to the February 2021 issue of Leonardo journal on Space Art, a special publication in English and Russian for the CYFEST-13 Media Art Festival. Jan Baetens reviews the new book Peanuts Minus Schultz by Ilan Manouach.

“It’s a Beautiful Name for a Satellite: Paradoxical Art Objects Somewhere between Politics and Poetics” by Annick Bureaud in Leonardo journal: www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/leon_a_01987

“Cosmic Inspirations and Explorations by Soviet Nonconformist Artists by Natalia Kolodzei in Leonardo journal: www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/leon_a_01988

This episode’s featured conversation is from a presentation of LASER St. Petersburg recorded in February 2021. Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) Talks are a program of international gatherings that bring artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together for informal presentations, performances and conversations with the wider public in more than 40 cities worldwide (and globally). See www.leonardo.info/laser-talks

Leonardo Reviews is a scholarly review service published since 1968 by Leonardo/ISAST. It is the work of a dedicated team of editors led by editor-in-chief Michael Punt. Reviews are posted monthly at www.leonardo.info/reviews


Annick Bureaud is an independent French Paris-based art critic and curator. She is the director of Leonardo/Olats (www.olats.org) and the organizer of the Leonardo Space Art and Science Workshops in Paris. www.annickbureaud.net(link is external)

Natalia Kolodzei, an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, is a curator and art historian specializing in the art of Russia and Eastern Europe. She is an author and editor of multiple publications. www.kolodzeiart.org

Jan Baetens is professor of cultural studies at the University of Leuven. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Baetens He is also a published poet and codirector of the bilingual journal PLACE: www.place-plateforme.com

Theme music: Wyatt Keusch is a musician living in British Columbia, Canada. His work can be explored in detail at jazz.fish.

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