Human Architecture: The Life of Biennial through Data

Publish date
March 29, 2019

What is the impact of a global event like the Biennale on the city of Venice? Which digital traces do people and organisations leave behind themselves, expressing in the city during the Biennale? It is possible to harvest this data in ethical ways? How is it possible to transform it into a shared experience - a “computational commons” available in the new ubiquitous public space? How can cities as a whole - and the city of Venice in particular - use this data to plan and shape the policies and cultural programming that influence the daily life of people?

The Human Architecture project was designed to address these questions through an art installation presented at the Venice Pavilion, a workshop hosted by Ca’ Foscari University, a public round table which significantly took place right in the center of the city, at Pescheria di Rialto: the historical fish market of Venice. The three actions united students, architects, creatives, artists, designers, policy makers and citizens in a coral reflection, mixing arts, design and research to explore the role of data in contemporary public spaces.

The Human Architecture project was made possible thanks to the support of the Alberto Peruzzo Foundation and the European Commission, through the program S + T + ARTS = STARTS - Innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology and the ARTS, with the scientific collaboration of PlusValue team and the technological support of HER - Human Ecosystems Relazioni research center.