Countdown for the STARTS Prize 2020
STARTS Prize is a format that carries the future, as it tries to combine the best of the worlds of art, technology and science. It will take place within the Ars Electronica Festival 2020, from 11th September, at the Kepler Hall on the JKU campus, in Linz.
Ten works will be exhibited, including the two STARTS Prize 2020 winners. Karla Spiluttini, project manager of this STARTS project, gave some insights of what there will be to see.
EDEN [STARTS Grand Prize – Innovative Collaboration]
EDEN (or in its entirety Ethics – Durability – Ecology – Nature) is the winning project in the Innovative Collaboration category. Since 2012, Olga Kisseleva has been conducting research in a series of bio-art works of art on the protection of endangered plant species and the communication of non-human living beings. The artist brings 22 different plants from Brazil as well as photographs of various sub-works of EDEN.
Design by Decay, Decay by Design [STARTS Grand Prize – Artistic Exploration]
Andrea Ling won the award in the category Artistic Exploration, with the project Design by Decay, Decay by Design. She brings many organic samples to Linz, which she created during her residency at Gingko Bioworks and through which she wants to design waste in a way that it is transformed from a worthless waste product into a component of new life.