The next adventure of the IES and Anna Dumitriu
The Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells launches the first Artist in Residence Program at the Helmholtz Zentrum München.
Therefore, Prof. Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, the Director of the institute, and Amelie J. Kraus, the Scientific Coordinator of the Epigenetics@HMGU community, teamed up with Dr. Claudia Schnugg, a SciArt Advocat, and Anna Dumitriu, a famous and pioneering bioartist that, along with the artist Alex May and Schindler, has recently concluded the STARTS Residency "Cyber-Species Proximity".
The cross-discipline program now created by IES aims to engage the public awareness for science and to elucidate the benefits that research brings to society.
Read the full article published at IES Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells, on 26th June 2020.