«In the past week, Etsy removed listings related to coronavirus or COVID-19 from its website. This move was meant to protect customers from products that falsely purport to keep them safe from the virus, and to prevent people exploiting the outbreak by selling coronavirus joke products. But the ban also affected several artists whose work is inspired by the science of the microscopic world long before the COVID-19 outbreak. They were not making light of the outbreak and, like Etsy, they just wanted to prevent the spread of misinformation. (...) Viruses and disease are inevitable parts of life and they have long inspired artists in many different ways. Toronto artist Elaine Whittaker’s work “Screened For” is a series of images of her wearing face masks with paintings of infectious diseases, including SARS, West Nile Virus, and HIV/AIDS. Since 2015, the work has been displayed at galleries around the world, where it has invited people to think about the balance between fear of disease and the beauty of the natural world.» Read full article on https://www.forbes.com/sites/evaamsen/2020/03/09/etsy-banned-coronavirus-items-but-viruses-have-always-inspired-artists/#609ee2b55817
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