The artist of STARTS Residency "Cyber-Species Proximity", Anna Dumitriu, is participating in a new project that uses health data as the source of experiential stories and as the source material for creative expression -the ART/DATA/HEALTH Project (ADH)

In a series of participatory workshops, this interdisciplinary project will bring together local communities, services, artists, and researchers to explore health and wellbeing issues through a combination of creative media, storytelling and data science. From the data the project collects and analyses, the team will produce creative work that engages others in thinking about health and wellbeing, but also inform policies and strategies that aim at improving the health and wellbeing of local communities.

Why the ADH Team believes this is important?

They present three main reasons for bringing cultural participation, data science and digital inclusion together for health and wellbeing:

Curious about the project?

Find all the details on the ADH website: www.artdatahealth.org

Know also more about Cyber-Species Proximity Residency,which brings together the artists Anna Dumitriu and Alex May & the Tech Project from Schindler.


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