WeSTART - Online Meetup

18 NOV 2020 | 17:00-18:00 (CET) | ONLINE


After a break, the WeSTART sessions are back with a programme that promises to unveil more about S+T+ARTS and contribute to strengthen its growing community.

On the 18th November, we will be organising a session that will explore the work of seven Regional STARTS Centers:

After building an international initiative and community since 2015, STARTS is now tackling the challenge of building strong regional networks, as several European regions have been appointed as regional STARTS Centers and focused for the past year and a half introducing STARTS approaches to local stakeholders and collaborators.

During this WeSTART session, seven Regional STARTS Centers invite the STARTS community for an online meet-up and exchange of best practices including, exhibitions, workshops, conferences and other capacity building activities as well as giving a sneak-peek into their final publication.

  • What does it mean to be a STARTS Center?
  • What are the best practices of a STARTS Center?
  • Where do we have the most impact on a local level? In networking activities, gathering STARTS players, or in showcasing best results of STARTS residencies and innovative projects?
  • How do we connect to our regions? How do we catalyze STARTS initiatives and thanks to which support?


Regional STARTS Centers participating: BOZAR (BE), Ars Electronica (AT), French Tech Grande Provence (FR), MEET (IT), Made Group (GR), Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (DE), and Gluon (BE).


Join us for the next WeSTART session on 18th November at 5pm CET.


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