STARTS at the 16th Biennale di Venezia - Mostra de Architettura


Re-imagine, shape and prototype the urban future with a transdisciplinary approach

Saturday, May 26th - 10:00-12:00 - Belgian Pavilion / Eurotopie


The panel will discuss how the arts, their unconventional exploration of technology and their critical view on the value of technology for society – can renew our vision of urban development and contribute to human-­centered innovation in cities and public space.


Yann Deval - Interactive designer, motion-designer and musical composer - laureate of STARTS Residencies with ATLAS project, a mixed reality experience

Salvatore Iaconesi - Artist, robotic engineer and philosopher of science. President of the Human Ecosystems Relazioni research center on data and culture. Founder of the Art is Open Source international network. TED Fellow, Eisenhower Fellow and Yale World Fellow.

Sophie Lauwers - Deputy Exhibitions Director of the Centre for Fine Arts BOZAR in Brussels

Gijs van der Velden - General manager at Joris Laarman Studio until 2016. Now CEO at MX3D (large scale metal 3D printing)

Liam Young - Architect and film director. Founder of the Urban Futures think tank Tomorrows Thoughts Today. Co-director of Unknown Fields Division, a nomadic design research studio.


Marie Albert - Project manager at French Tech Culture, the first european ecosystem dedicated to culture, heritage and tourism 4.0. Project manager at STARTS Residencies and member of STARTS consortium.


ATLAS - an extended reality experience

by Yann Deval and Marie-Ghislaine Losseau


Sunday, May 27th - 10:00-19:00 - Belgian Pavilion / Eurotopie


ATLAS is a work between digital arts and visual arts, under the form of an interactive and scenographic exhibition (a mix between real models and an interactive virtual world). After being plunge in an archipelago of poetical islands, spectators are invited to build virtual cities using a « seed launcher ». The growing houses follow some urbanistic rules, adapting to their environment. There are cities in the clouds, uprooted cities, cities on stilts, flying cities...


In partnership with:  
WEKIT / Dr. Fridolin Wild (Oxford Brookes University) - for the Mixed Reality part.
-  Kids from Molenbeek’s schools 1, 5 and 10 - for contributing to the building of the cities.