An event focus on the Co-create project ecosystem of actors: intermediaries, policy makers and experts from creative sector and traditional cluster coming from all over Europe, will exchange experiences about cross-fertilization and co-creation among Creative industries and SMEs.

Challenges and values of co-creation and cross-fertilization – an overview from different perspectives.

Co-creation and cross-fertilization act as a real trigger for innovation process in different context. This approaches may be activated among different sectors or various communities and cultures, or within private organizations or at different level in public sector. Frequently the creative sector plays a crucial role in activating this process and make it valuable.
What are the main challenges in activate the co-creation? How these processes can be structured and implemented? How these phenomena generate value and for who? Which are the actor that can activate, facilitate and implement co-creation and cross-fertilization? How policy makers, intermediaries, authorities can contribute or benefit from them?
An international panel of speakers will exchange experiences and perspectives around this actual and promising topic.



  • 10:00 a.m.
    Presentation of CO-CREATE project and best cases presentation

  • 10:45 a.m.
    International impulse speeches: Challenges and values of co-creation and cross-fertilization – an overview from different perspectives

  • 01:00 p.m.
    Light lunch

  • 02:30 p.m.
    Round table workshop among policymaker at local, national and international level (moderated by CO-CREATE project member)

  • 04:30 p.m.
    Presentation of workshop results and event closing


Jesse Marsh
Sustainable innovation advisor at Atelier Studio Associato, ENoLL Social & Creative Community

Marta Coto

Project Manager at INOVA+, International Cooperation Unit, STARTS project

Francesca Rizzo
Associate Professor of Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano

Carlo Mango
Director of Cariplo Factory

Daniela Protti
DG Cultura, Regione Lombardia


Prof. Francesco Zurlo
Deputy Dean of POLIMI Design School