STARTS4Water Academy: Prototyping urban water solutions @Brussels

Workshops 10, 17 & 24 November, 14h00 – 17h00 CET (registration required)
Exhibition: 27th of November, 14h00 – 16h00 CET (no registration required)

How can we use digital technologies to tackle water pollution and water shortage in urban environments? During a series of 3 workshops, GLUON’s educational S+T+ARTS Academy pillar is challenging Brussels-based teenagers to imagine solutions for a more sustainable (urban) water management.

During the workshop participants are challenged to prototype their own idea making use of the PlugNPlay toolbox (, 3D printing, laser cutting and virtual reality. Guided by artists and IT experts, the youngster will learn how to transform their idea into a working prototype and the basics of coding.

This is an activity in the framework of STARTS4Watern in partnership with LUCA School of Arts

Target audience

Inhabitants of the Brussels Capital region between 14 and 18 years old.


Lab North, Vooruitgangstraat 80, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

More information and registration link

Image credits: Smart Plant, PlugNPlay Prototype. Courtesy of GLUON

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