STARTS Talks is a series of presentations and discussions that bring together prominent practitioners and speakers to present their work and vision on the interactions between Science, Technology and the ARTS. This second edition of STARTS Talks takes place at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven with presentations and contributions by Frank Kolkman.

It is a long established fact the innovation is at the core of competitive economy and at the core of an open and meaningful society. Focusing only on scientific and technological skills is no longer sufficient. The arts are gaining a more prominent role in finding solutions to these challenges. Critical skills are needed for innovation to be realized and of value for society – skills such as creativity rooted in artistic practice.

The expertise and practice of artists can directly drive and influence innovation and technology. Artists offer new, critical perspectives, inspire new directions and act as catalyst for a successful and socially responsible transformation of technologies.

In this edition of the STARTS Talks the focus is on artistic research and the relevance for industry and science. We will discuss the added value of collaborations between art, science, technology and business from different perspectives. How do these collaborations work and when is it a success?


You can join us at the Peoples Pavilion with an entrance ticket of Dutch Design Week.


Profile speakers

    Frank Kolkman is known for his experimental work themed around ‘the end of life’. He investigates the impact of our ideas regarding technology in a time when faith in rational science and technology is gradually replacing our religious belief systems. Kolkman got rewarded with the 'Award of Distinction' by Prix Ars Electronica 2016 in the caterogy 'Interactive Art' with his project OpenSurgery. In his recent work ‘Outrospectre’ Frank Kolkman embraces virtual reality technology to research unanswered questions about mortality and ‘end of life’. Kolkman did part of his research with the Creative Care Lab of Waag Society as part of the 3Package Deal program of the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.

    Geert Christiaansen is Senior Director of Design Innovation at Philips.

    Thomas Paulen, CEO of design agency VanBerlo.

    Sabine Wildevuur is Head of Programme for healthcare projects at Waag Society's Creative Care Lab. Sabine curated this years Dutch Design Week’s Health Embassy.

    Marleen Stikker is president and co-founder of Waag Society, institute for art, science and technology in Amsterdam.


STARTS Talks bring prominent practitioners and speakers in combination with STARTS Prize winners, honorary mentions and nominees to present their work and vision on the interactions between science, technology and the arts, its pitfalls and challenges.


The STARTS Prize aims to showcase and celebrate visions and achievements at the interface between innovation and creation. The European Commission’s STARTS Prize initiative is designed to spotlight people and projects that have the potential to make a sustainable positive impact on Europe’s economic, technological, social and ecological future. The competition seeks innovative projects at the nexus of science, technology and the arts.


STARTS Talks are part of the STARTS Prize activities and the STARTS initiative of the EU. STARTS Prize and STARTS Talks are coordinated by Ars Electronica Linz, Bozar and Waag Society, supported by the European Commission.