The meeting of science, technology and the arts (STARTS) is the favoured basis for finding innovative responses to the social, ecological and economic challenges that Europe will be facing in the near future.

For the third year, the STARTS Prize rewards projects that bring significant progress in this field, on an initiative of the European Commission relayed by Ars Electronica in collaboration with BOZAR and Waag. The selected projects demonstrate a successful collaboration between art and science, acknowledging a work of art that changes the perception of technology and a creation that combines innovative forms of cooperation between the private sector and the world of culture.

In this exhibition, BOZAR presents the two winning projects as well as a selection of the projects that received special nominations during the STARTS Prize.

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The winners:
Amsterdam’s 3D Printed Steel Bridge (2018)
MX3D & Joris Laarman Lab

The project's most iconic image shows robots autonomously printing a steel bridge over a canal. The MX3D bridge project thus started as a visionary moonshot project, an artist’s dream. Several years later that dream has been solidified in the 3D printed stainless steel bridge. This fully functional pedestrian bridge for the city center of Amsterdam will be completed in 2018, to be placed at its final location soon after.

Future Flora : Celebrating Female Biophilia (2016)
Giulia Tomasello

‘Future Flora’ focuses on the beneficial presence of microbes and bacteria in the human body and suggests an alternative to traditional medicines and probiotics. This project consist of a harvesting kit designed for women to treat and prevent vaginal infections. The user is a woman who wants to embrace biotechnology in her house, growing and nurturing living organisms at home and wearing them afterwards to keep the body healthy.
At BOZAR, these works will be exhibited together with a selection of projects that received a special nomination or mention.