Created in 1994, Sónar is a pioneering cultural event with a unique format and content. Its first class reputation as a leading reference for international festivals is thanks to its attention in curation, combining a playful nature, the avant-garde, and experimentation with newest trends in dance and electronic music. This international congress explores how creativity is changing our present and imagining new futures, in collaboration with researchers, innovators and business leaders. Since 2013, this antidisciplinary meeting gathers in Barcelona leading artists, creative technologists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, thinkers, scientists, entrepreneurs, makers and hackers to participate in a carefully commissioned program with the aim at inspiration and networking.
STARTS will be participating in Sónar 2019 presenting "SMing by Superbe" from July 18 to July 20, 2019. The installation will run from 1pm to 9pm at the main entrance of Sónar Pavillon 5 (Palau de Congressos).
SMing is an interactive choir installation offering people the chance to simultaneously be both an entire choir and its conductor.
Artistic approach
Can we endlessly sample and reinvent the profiles of our lives? Reinterpreting a work while being the matter and the master, the subject and the object. This question seems to echo an essential characteristic of our life, to be another for oneself is essential to the advent of our condition of creative subject. This dissociation is a prerequisite to our desire, the engine of our creative potential. The title of the work evokes this active/passive principle by the two capital letters S (sadistic position) and M (masochistic position) associated with the word "sing". To sing and to make someone sing, to « be sung ».
In this project, the individual (the undivided) confronts his fragmentary dimension (multiplied, divided) and it is this vital relationship that is questioned. Music is certainly what binds us most intimately to nature, and to its creative function. This work is an experiential metaphor of active principles at work in creation.
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