On 9 January, BOZAR, Gluon and Erasmushogeschool Brussel kick off the new STARTS program - Science, Technology & Arts - Academy, an extracurricular program for young people from Brussels who, guided by artists and technology experts , learn to imagine, design, build and exhibit their own prototypes. The results will be exposed at BOZAR in July 2019.


The launch of the STARTS 2019 program is scheduled for 9 January at 9.30 am at the Erasmushogeschool Brussels. The launch is a meeting point for different actors active in the digital technologies sector. January 9 is a meeting time as well as demo sessions during which will be presented new applications around virtual, augmented and mixed reality. An interactive Playzone session will be created to experimentvirtual reality.


At 2 pm, the first inspirational sessions of the first module will start, "Digital Arts" during which participants will discover the worlds of virtual reality, augmented and mixed (VR / AR / MR). They will learn to develop scenarios and stories that can only be told through VR / AR / MR. And will make demos of virtual games or live theater. During these sessions, participants will be supervised by the ATLAS artist collective (www.atlas-experience.xyz).

9:30am: Welcoming session
10:00am: Introduction Broos Fonck (Design & Technology Dept., Erasmushogeschool Brussel)
10:20am: Introduction Christophe de Jaeger (Gluon Director)
10:40am: STARTS Experts presentate Virtuals & Augmented Reality
11:00am: Netwerking & Playzone
12:00 Lunch 

Address:Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel - MedialabNijverheidskaai 1701070 Brussels