Researchers at LIT (Linz Institute of Technology) of the Johannes Kepler University have succeeded in creating transdisciplinary innovation projects that will be showcased at this year’s Ars Electronica Festival.
The participating institutes-initiated collaborations with international and regional artists, designers, research organizations and companies in order to develop collaborative prototypes, while making their research accessible to a broad public. This session brings together four of the exhibited teams – the LIT Robopsychology Lab, the JKU Linz School of Education, the LIT Soft Material Lab and the Institute for Integrated Circuits and their collaborative partner g.tec Medical Engineering – to discuss their creative process and prototype development.
Moderator: Christopher Lindinger (AT)
Speaker: Melanie Baumgartner (AT), Florian Hartmann (AT), Christoph Guger (AT), Markus Hohenwarter (AT), Alicia Hofstätter (AT), Corinna Hörmann (AT), Martina Mara (AT), Kathrin Meyer (DE)