Besides activities in Greece, Regional S+T+ARTS Centers are spreading the STARTS spirit also in Italy.
MEET, one of the Regional STARTS Centers, in collaboration withAssolombarda, is promoting the Cross Fertilization Lab, a series of meeting and experimentation initiatives aimed at the Italian and non-Italian digital creative workers and companies. Its purpose is reciprocal fertilization through the exchange of practices, languages and processes between apparently distant contexts with the objective of“generating innovation” with open and co-creative methods.
On the 19th June, an online meet-up will be organised within the programme of activities of Cross Fertilization Lab.
Programme Cross Fertilization Lab Meet-Up
Meet-up official language: Italian.
9.15—9.30 | On boarding | |
9.30—9.55 | Saluti istituzionali,presentazione giuria e regole del gioco | |
9.55—10.25 | PITCH SESSIONE 1 +Q&A — ART RELOADED: ridefinire l’esperienza in ufficio attraverso l’arte. Alessia Bertoldi | |
10.25—10.50 | PITCH SESSIONE 2 +Q&A — Ascendente. Giorgio Funaro | |
10.50—11.00 | Break | |
11.00—11.30 | PITCH SESSIONE 3 +Q&A — Trama&Parole. Beatrice Giovannini | |
11.30—11.55 | PITCH SESSIONE 4 +Q&A — Proximars. Mattia Parola | |
11.55—12.00 | Break | |
12.00—12.30 | Riunione giuria & digital happening | |
12.30—12.50 | Proclamazione vincitori | |
12.50—13.00 | Chiusura |
The event will be live streamed on youtube.
Access the Live Stream Here
Discover More About Regional STARTS CentersKnow More About Cross Fertilization Lab