24th and 25th October - 10:30am to 5:30pm
Teatro Petruzzelli - Circolo Unione - Bari, Italy
Puglia Creativa in the framework of the project CHIMERA “Innovative cultural and creative clusters in the MED area” will organize on the 24th and 25th of October 2018 in Bari (Italy), a matchmaking event for creative and cultural industries in the Mediterranean area in order to create new chances of development and internationalization for cultural and creative industries. In the event, companies from design, audio-visual, performing arts, software and
24th October - 11am 1pm
STARTS Initiative will be represented by Ana Solange Leal - Inova+ who will be participating in the panel on "Innovation, Research,
The panel aims at presenting results of European experiences able to:
- experiment models of integration of innovation, research, arts and creativity;
- generate new
The panel is composed by:
- Michele Melazzini - PoliMI, laboratorio di ricerca CI.LAB, Italy
- Roberto Gomez de la iglesia - CEO Connectiones improbable, Spain
- Flaviano Celaschi - president of the Cluster ER imprese culturali e creative, Italy
- Ana Solange Leal - project manager Vertigo Project per Inova+, Portugal
Moderator: Vito Albino, commissario dell'Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e l'Innovazione di Puglia
Location : Teatro Petruzzelli -
More info here