Info day on the Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities topics in the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
09 November 2021 | 09h30 - 12h30 | Online
During this infoday, the next funding opportunities for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities will be presented. The focus will be on areas such as Data Spaces for Smart Communities, Digital Solutions for the New European Bauhaus, and governance. There will be an opportunity to network and present your ideas for proposals.
Indicative Agenda:
9:30 - Introduction (purpose, topics, deadlines, where to find the info, and agenda for the day)
9:45 - CSA1 Presentation - Preparatory actions for Data Space for Smart Communities
10:00 - CSA2 Presentation - Governance of community
10:15 - CSA3 Presentation - Digital Solutions in support of the New European Bauhaus
10:30 - Questions from the audience and answers
11:00 - Online networking for CSA1
11:30 - Online networking for CSA2
12:00 - Online networking for CSA3
12:30 - Final messages
Please register if you want to attend this event.
In the process of registration we will ask you to if you would like to present your idea for one (or more) of the three CSAs in each of the networking sessions. In case you do, please prepare one slide with the CSA you are proposing, title of your proposal and main objectives, partners and which expertise and needs you have. We will try to accommodate everyone of you and still give you time for networking.
The Commission may select speakers according to the timing we have.