The Life of Biennial through Data. An artwork, a workshop, a round table in Venice open to the city

What is the impact of a global event like the Venice Architecture Biennale on the city of Venice? Which digital traces do people and organizations leave behind themselves, expressing in the city during the Biennale? It is possible to harvest this data in ethical ways? How is it possible to transform it into a shared experience - a “computational commons” available in the new ubiquitous public space? How can cities as a whole - and the city of Venice in particular - use this data to plan and shape the policies and cultural programming that influence the daily life of people?

The experimental "Human Architecture" project, created by artist Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico for the Venice Pavilion with the support of Fondazione Peruzzo and the EU Commission through its STARTS Program, aims to address these questions through an installation, a  workshop, a round table and a publication, uniting students, architects, creatives, artists, designers, policy makers in a collective reflection mixing arts, data and research.

On October 18th, the round table intertwines a dialogue between Europe, the City of Venice, universities and cultural institutions to question the public dimension of data, starting from the data collected and visualized in the installation at the Venice Pavilion and bringing them the the heart of the city: the Pescheria of Rialto.

The day after, at Ca’ Foscari University, during the workshop, artists, students, designers and young professionals will analyze the open data source produced by Human Architecture, to transform them into events, artworks, end public interventions relevant for the public space.

“Human Architecture. Data to the People” is a cultural initiative free and open to the public, proposed by:

Fondazione Alberto Peruzzo, EU Commission through its programme STARTS, HER - Human Ecosystems Relazioni; PlusValue

Curated by: Marco Trevisan

In collaboration with: Ca’ Foscari, Università di Venezia

The event is part of the European AI Alliance

More information about the artwork “Human Architecture”:

More information about the event

