STARTS at the Arts Sciences Biennale EXPERIMENTA 2018
Grenoble, FRANCE
EXPERIMENTA is an Arts Sciences and Technologies fair which will take place in Grenoble from 6 to 10 February 2018.
It is organised by Atelier Arts Sciences, which is a joint research laboratory shared by CEA - a French research centre - and Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences - a theatre based in Meylan, France.
Vertigo STARTS will be presented during the round-table "Reinventing cities in Europe, a dialogue between arts, sciences and technology as engines of urban transition"
Amphithéâtre de la Maison MINATEC
Thursday 08 February / 05.30 pm > 07.00 pm
The European Union largely depends on its capacity to innovate in order to remain competitive and make our society more sustainable and inclusive. Policy makers and business people need to embrace a more holistic way of thinking to allow the development of technologies that place the human at the centre. Digital transformation of industries and the society naturally yields to closing the gap between sciences/engineering and art/design. It also invites us to capitalise on these intersections by thinking and working on the transition of cities towards sustainable and inclusive models. This round table opens a dialogue into the ways of stimulating synergies between artists, scientists and businesses at the heart of urban and regional development with the aim of invigorating cities and making them more attractive. We will hear some successful examples of collaboration in several European cities.
This round table discussion is convened in partnership with S+T+ARTS=STARTS — an initiative by the European Commission to promote innovation at the intersection of Sciences, Technology and ARTS – as well as with InFocus, a partnership among 10 European cities in the frame of the URBACT program, focusing on innovation (Bielsko-Biala / Bilbao / Bordeaux / Bucharest / Frankfort / Grenoble-Alpes / Ostrava / Plasence / Porto / Turin).