Winners of the 2017 edition of the Artistic Residencies Program VERTIGO STARTS will be announced at the Avignon Festival

An afternoon of meetings about new impetus for culture in Europe organized by Horizon 2020 VERTIGO STARTS program of the European Commission, with Festival d'Avignon, French Tech Culture, Relais Culture Europe, Ircam/Centre Pompidou, Artshare.

July 11th, 2017, Cloître Saint-Louis, Avignon


Welcome by Paul RondinDeputy director Festival d'Avignon and Pascal Keiser, General Coordinator French Tech Culture and member of VERTIGO STARTS.

* 2.30 PM - Announcement of the winners of the VERTIGO STARTS call (ENGLISH)

  • Hugues Vinet, Director of Research and Development, IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, Coordinator of the VERTIGO STARTS project.
  • Greg Beller : Head of Research/Creation Interfaces, IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, Chairman of the VERTIGO STARTS residencies jury.

* 3 PM - Panel 1: A new impetus for synergies between the arts and technology in the European Union (ENGLISH)

Discussion with representatives from research, industry, the art world and policy on the advantages of a new strategy of collaborations for innovation in society at the nexus of science, technology, and the arts. Participants will discuss how links between industry and the arts in the context of technological and social innovation could lead to a win-win situation with industry gaining momentum in innovation and society profiting from a new alliance of technology and the arts, in particular in the context of digital technologies and their use in regional and urban development.

Moderators : Pascal Brunet (Relais Culture Europe) and Pascal Keiser (French Tech Culture)


  • Eric Minh Cuoing Castaing, director and choreographer in residence at Ballet National de Marseille. Eric creates choreographies with robots embedded with INRIA researchers, example of cutting edge collaboration art/industry/research. Demo with one robot on stage.
  • Pierre Oudoyer, research director at INRIA, heading the Flowers project, a lifelong learning and development in robots and humans.
  • Agnès de Cayeux, Materialize Telecom Networks, artist in residence in Orange gardens.

European Commission

  • Ralph Dum, Senior Expert, European Commission, DG Connect, Head officer of STARTS program.


  • Laurence Le Ny, Vice President Orange Group/Content, startup program (member of the Vertigo Starts international Jury). Laurence will present Orange gardens, a 72.000 m2 project located in Paris including an "art factory" to follow up digital artist projects within Orange group innovative platforms.
  • Maud Franca, Caisse des Dépôts, deputy director in charge of digital projects, Mission des programmes Investissements d'avenir, (Member of the Vertigo Starts international Jury)- Maud participated amongst other project to the new" Station F" project in Paris, marketed as the biggest incubator in the world inaugurated last week by President E. Macron. She will explain the strategy developed in this project between major companies sponsoring (Free, Facebook, Amazon, ventesprivé, artists and startups.
  • Roland MorcomNokia, Business Manager, VR Capture, European Region. Roland will explain how Nokia has reinvented itself from phone industry to Ozo VR cameras, the cutting edge technology on the market for VR filming, and how Nokia operates with artists and innovative producers for the development of contents of the future.

* 3.50 PM : Panel 2 : A new impetus for Culture in the European Union (FRENCH)

Discussion with policy makers from France, the European Commission on the advantages of the expressed desire for a new political impetus for culture within the European Union.

Moderators : Pascal Brunet (Relais Culture Europe) and Luis Girao (Artshare)

  • Rea Rannu-Ideon, Cultural Advisor, Deputy Permanent Delegate of Estonia to UNESCO Embassy of Estonia, Paris. Represents the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
  • Isabelle Jégouzo, Head of the EU representation in France (to be confirmed).
  • Alain Ruche, retired EU official. For nearly three decades,  assignments in four continents, now focused on complex adaptive systems and policymaking, and the role of artists for social change.
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Lecerfsenior advisor of French Minister of Culture for digital affairs, previous CFO of CNC, national film fund in France, and officer at Media programme European Commission (to be confirmed).
  • Valeria Marcolin, NGO Executive, Member of the Experts Facility on the governance of Culture - 2005 Convention at UNESCO.

* 5.00 PM : Networking through innovative projects presented by Festival d'Avignon at Eglise des Célestins

4 innovative projects with 4 innovative French companies : Bachibouzouk, Black Euphoria, Panthea/Theatre in Paris and MXN.

Welcome by France Télévisions, CNC (to be confirmed) and Nokia

  • Bachibouzouk, Black Euphoria : 3 fictions 10 to 15 minutes in stereoscopic VR 360 with headsets : Olivier Py, Philippe Decouflé and Radouane El Meddeb (filmed with Nokia Ozo Camera, presented with Samsung headsets) with France Télévisions, CNC, Région PACA, Festival d’Aix et Festival d'Avignon.
  • Bachibouzouk, Black Euphoria : the Cube : 360 degree cylinder prototype, 7 meter diameter, proposing 360 experience for groups of 15 persons, presented in premiere for Festival d'Avignon and Festival d'Aix (same contents than headsets but adapted for the Cube with Olivier Py, Philippe Decouflé and Radouane El Meddeb filmed with Nokia Ozo Camera) with France Télévisions, CNC,Région PACA, Festival d’Aix et Festival d'Avignon.
  • MXN and Bachibouzouk : Digital Museum for La Villette Micro-Folies presenting the digitized collections of 8 French National Museums (le Louvre, Centre Pompidou, Musée National Picasso, Versailles, ..).
  • Panthea/theatre in Paris : Multilingual translation glasses with augmented reality tested in world premiere at Festival d'Avignon 2015 and deployed for 4 major shows of the Festival d'Avignon 2017.

* 6.30 PM : Interviews

* 10:00 PM: Show at Festival d'Avignon