Bunch of Kunst in Quarantine // Paradox Paradise

Artists: Uli Ap (UK), Katharina Arndt (DE), Lara Verena Bellenghi (AT), Hannah Bohnen (DE), Marta de la Figuera (ESP), Ornella Fieres (DE), Bettina Funke (DE), Sabine Funke & Karlheinz Bux (DE), Fabian Hesse (DE) & Mitra Wakil (AFG), Helena Hunter (UK), Dorien Lantin (DE) & Robert Hecht (DE), Marie-Eve Levasseur (CAN/DE), Martina Menegon (IT/AT), Filippo Minelli (IT), Chiara Passa (IT), Agnese Sanvito (IT), Susan Supercharged (US/UK), Thomas Teurlai (FR), Miloš Trakilovic (BIH/NL).

Curated by Mara-Johanna Kölmel and Tina Sauerlaender
Opening: October 8, 2020, 7 — 9 pm CET (Register here)
Press Preview: October 7, 2020, 5 — 6 pm CET (Register here)
Accompanying Program:
Monday, October 19th, 19.30 CET. Tour of the exhibition space Liminal Latitudes with curator Tina Sauerlaender
Wednesday, November 4th, 19.30 CET. Tour of the exhibition space Domestic Dreams with curator Mara-Johanna Kolmel
Wednesday, November 18th, 19.30 CET. Artist roundtable discussion presented by Saloon London and Saloon Berlin
Bunch of Kunst in Quarantine // Paradox Paradise is a virtual exhibition turning its lens on artistic production in times of Corona. It poses the question of how visual art – in the context  of social distancing, national demarcation, domestic retreat, economic downturn, rising nationalism and encompassing surveillance – can open up alternative paths for reflection, transformation and solidarity. The works in this show aim to distil the complexities of the current moment into artistic form and thereby amplify European experiences across closed borders. If an invisible force indeed makes visible the weaknesses of our fragile social systems, it also offers possibilities for fundamental change on a personal and collective level. Paradox Paradise symbolizes the state of living between the extremes unfolding between physical and the digital worlds. This paradox conveys a potential to unveil spaces of opportunities that the artists address in the exhibition. As such, the exhibition also aims at re-activating the future as a space of possibility by transforming prevailing accounts and by sharing with one another what moves and connects us in these challenging times. Bunch of Kunst in Quarantine // Paradox Paradise is a new iteration of Mara-Johanna Kolmel’s open call Instagram exhibitionBunch of Kunst in Quarantine // Reflections On The Viral Vacuum that took place from April to August 2020. This edition, developed in dialogue with Tina Sauerlaender, presents selected European artists from the first edition. The artists have adjusted and remodeled their artworks especially for the virtual exhibition space. The project is a part of Kara Agora, the new online art and research center on Mozilla Hubs funded by the European Cultural Solidarity Fund / European Cultural Foundation. It will be presented in two spaces, designed by the artists Sabine Funke and Martina Menegon respectively.


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