Regional STARTS Centers
26 NOV 2020 | 10:00 - 17:00 (CET) | ONLINE | IN FRENCH
As part of Regional STARTS Centers, French Tech Grande Provence is organizing a full day of exchanges to explore transdisciplinary innovation.
Scientific inventions and technological developments always respond to social, cultural, and economic challenges; thus it is essential to have a cross-cutting approach to innovation processes. The ability of artists and creators to experiment with technologies, to hijack them, but also to take a critical look at our digital society must help us find the path to more creative, but also more inclusive, sustainable, responsible innovation.
French Tech Grande Provence invites start-ups, artists, and innovation program managers to share their vision and their experiences around the Art, Science and Technology. What do these bring to the innovation process? What are the impacts of the artistic intervention on innovation technological?
Entrepreneurs, researchers, creators, students, we invite you to a day of regional meeting around Art, Science and Technology collaborations organized by French Tech Grande Provence, within the framework of the European program S+T+ARTS (Science, Technology & the Arts).

10:00 – 10:30 | KEYNOTE: Artists, stakeholders of technological innovation? Marie Albert, Head of European Projects, French Tech Grande Provence. |
10:30 – 12:00 | PANEL DISCUSSION: Art, science, technology: creating new spaces of collaboration Sylvia Andriantsimahavandy, Co-Director of "Hive", thecamp residency. Laure Kaltenbach, CEO Creative Tech Atelier Luma. Vittorio Loreto, Director, Sony Computer Science Lab Paris. Henriëtte Waal, Artistic and Research Director, Atelier Luma Moderation: Laurence Le Ny, Director Ecosystem Start-up Creative and Cultural Industries, Orange. |
14:30 – 15:00 | PERFORMANCE: Center for technological pain - Dasha Ilina Artist Dasha Ilina created the Center for Technological Pain, a project that offers DIY and open source solutions and to solve health problems caused by digital technologies such as smartphones and laptops. Among the prototypes developed, protective glasses that reduce eye fatigue, an anti-insomnia box, self-defense courses against technologies and various more or less absurd objects! To learn more about and survive in our connected world, join the conference. |
15:00 – 15:45 | TESTIMONY: "Jardins troubles" – a collaborative project artist / start-up Dimitri Robert-Rimsky, artist and Lara Ramirez & Steve Gabet, CEO Data League In collaboration with the artificial intelligence studio Data League, the artist Dimitri Robert-Rimsky is working on the creation, or more precisely the training of a neural network (Deep Learning), with the aim of generating plant wastelands, around a broad idea of the role of gardens in our cities. Meeting with the team to get their feedbacks on this one-of-a-kind artist/start-up collaboration. |
16:00 – 16:30 | PERFORMANCE: (la peau2)_redux - Chloé Lavalette What would happen if, during a meteoric technological revolution, we found ourselves changing skin as we change smartphones? Taking the form of a conference, (la peau2)_redux is a flash crossing of the reflection led by researcher and director Chloé Lavalette on the future of skin bio-printing, currently under development in several French laboratories. |
16:30 – 17:00 | EXHIBITION ONLINE TOUR: « I made your house in my skull box » - Jeanne Susplugas In partnership with the endowment fund EDIS. With the participation of Véronique Baton, Head of the cultural & artistic programming and Julie Miguirditchian, curator
The exhibition “I made your house in my skull box” has as a common thread our inner world, physical or psychic, that the artist conceives as an inhabited space. From drawing to video through virtual reality, photography or ceramics, Jeanne Susplugas speaks to us about the disorders and evils of our daily life with a seductive and poetic language, between humor and cynicism, irony and tragedy. |
French Tech Grande Provence is one of the Regional Centers spreading the S+T+ARTS initiative at a local level. Discover other activities promoted by the Centers HERE.