A one-day event on the future of energy
Gluon and Cleantech Hub Snowball_EU have joined forces in 2019 to become a Regional STARTS Center. The Regional European centers launch initiatives at the intersection of Science, Technology and Arts to stimulate digital disruptions and more inclusive and sustainable forms of innovation in the industry. In 2019 the EU launched The New Green Deal as Europe's 'man on the moon moment'. An ambitious plan that would make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. To achieve this Europe needs to end its reliance on fossil fuels and needs to re-think the use, production and distribution of energy. This event will bring together the most innovative leaders in their field, including MIT Professor Pattie Maes, entrepreneurs, artists, data scientists, designers and researchers to explore the challenges and dangers related to the future of energy. This with an exciting programme of lectures, workshops and exhibitions.
The one-day seminar and evening event will feature public keynotes, hands-on workshops and an art exhibition focused on energy. The first half of the day is reserved for professionals comprising a series of keynotes and hands-on workshops bringing together artists, designers, researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers.
The event closes with a public evening program featuring a keynote by MIT Media Lab Prof. Pattie Maes exploring the relationship between human and machines, a walking dinner and opening of the exhibition presenting a selection of works on the topic of energy.
Free event reserved for professionals eager to explore the topics of Cleantech and AI and looking to engage with likeminded artists, designers, researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers. Via hands-on workshops participants will be able to meet outstanding people from the artistic, research and industrial field, exchange and share ideas with them to develop future cleantech scenarios using AI and DIY biology.
13:30 | Welcome
14:00 | Introduction by Alexandra Vanhuyse, co-founder Snowball
14:10 | Keynote by Prof. Vladan Joler "Anatomy of an AI System"
15:00 | Workshops
- "Algature", facilitated by Fara Peluso | Artist and designer Fara Peluso invites you to design future Cleantech scenarios via DIY biology and Speculative Design practices
- "Build your own Cleantech start-up using AI", facilitated by In The Pocket | Develop an AI use case for your imaginary Cleantech start-up together with artists, designers, entrepreneurs and researchers
17:00 | Closing remarks
17:30 | Guided visit to the exhibition in presence of the artists
[Admission fee: 90 € per person - Payment via wire transfer on BE11 7380 3670 7448 ]
18:30 | Welcome reception
19:00 | Introductions by Stefan Grosjean (Founder & CEO Snowball), Ralph Dum (Senior Officer DG Connect, European Commission) and Christophe De Jaeger (Founder & director Gluon)
19:30 | Keynotes by Prof. Dr. Pattie Maes (Founder MIT Media Lab Fluid Interfaces) and Prof. Vladan Joler (Founder Share Lab)
21:00 | Walking Dinner with Beudaert Restaurant
Registration with before January 27th 2020
Picture:Maarten Vanden Eynde, Half Life, 2019. Courtesy of the Artist and Meessen De Clercq (c) photo: Philippe De Gobert